Jewellery Care Recommendation

  1. Avoid direct contact with body lotions, cosmetics, perfume, hair sprays or other chemicals. Always wear your jewellry after you’ve done all your makeup, hairspray and primping.
  2. Avoid wearing jewellery when doing physical activities such as housekeeping, exercising, gardening or during activities which may cause sweating.
  3. Avoid wearing jewellery when you are sleeping or showering to avoid any accidents that may cause damage to the pieces.
  4. Avoid wearing jewellery to swimming pools, sea water or mineral springs.
  5. Avoid humidity, heat and direct sunlight.
  6. Gently wipe your jewellery with a soft cloth to remove excess skin oils, makeup and dust after each wearing.
  7. Store your jewellery in a cool, dry place by using an air-tight box, zip lock bag or individual pouch are effective in preventing tarnish as well as protect your jewellery from scratches.